Fantastic Rape/Revenge flick! When a group of women, who all get attacked by the same rapist with a hockey-mask, get no help from the police, they decide its time to group together and form.... "The Rape Squad." They turn into a kung fu laced group of vigilantes!
This is a VERY BAD movie, that should ONLY be viewed once. Anything more than that might cause irreversible brain damage.
This film stars the great, Joe Spinell, as Vinny!!! A man who is obsessed with the famous actress Jana Bates and is determined, whatever means need to be taken, to have her star in his movie. He even goes so far as traveling to the Cannes Film Festival to try and convince her. Unfortunately, he goes about things in a non productive way and people involved with Jana Bates begin to disappear.
Great scene with Joe sneaking into the bathroom and "Jana Bates" showering. He has a broken wine bottle and is trying to talk to her reasonably... classic. His jagged and disgusting face are perfect!
This is a great trash film about a crazed mortician who kills people so he can have "friends" in his seedy funeral home.
A must see for Joe Spinell fans, as he basically makes this low budget, crapfest. It is also his last film. He died about 2 months or so after it was finished.
On October 5th, 2010 CODE RED DVD will FINALLY be giving this a proper DVD release!
A film about a young couple tricked into staying at a sinister house, owned by two devil worshipers. The ending has a twist and the film is filled with filth, depravity, nudity, and bloooood!
Lovely photographic compositions and cinematography!
The evil Mr. Giant has kidnapped Dr. Van Kohler and is planning to use the Doctor's invention to hold the world hostage. The only one who can possibly foil Mr. Giant's evil scheme is Agent 00, a 3-foot-tall Filipino martial arts master, spy, and romancer.... Weng Weng.
The greatest thing about this piece of shit movie is that you can really tell that "Weng Weng" is putting his heart and soul into the role and is just soooo utterly terrible.
An erotic French film that tells the story of two young girls, barely in there teens, at a convent school where they make a vow to sin and serve Satan. A very erotic film, but not in a perverted or overly sexually sense.
A highly entertaining, yet disturbing film with a very memorable ending... dark and incredible!
The trailer is the Japanese trailer and was the one I liked most, though the film, as I stated prior, is French.
A gothic horror tale with an erotic twist. A man stops at a castle to seek medical attention for a woman, but there is more in the castle than was expected...
Gothic castle on location shots, beautiful women, giant spiders, all the ingredients for pure trash!
"Superfly" Priest is one of New York Cities new coke dealers and his in it for the large haul. Classic blaxploitation and very famous for its GREAT soundtrack by Curtis Mayfield.
Mute after being molested as a child, Frigga (Lindberg) eventually leaves home and is picked up by a strange man. A man who gives her heavy doses of heroin and uses her as a prostitute.
In her very, very little spare time, she slowly gains the knowledge she needs for her proper revenge...
AKA- "They Call Her One Eye".. But if you are going to buy the DVD, get the totally uncut, redboxed "A Cruel Picture" version.
One of the greatest exploitation films of all time
The greatest cannibal film of all time. The most disturbing, shocking, yet thought provoking film ever made. This one has to be seen to be believed... THIS is the one that goes ALL THE WAY.
Giving birth to the faux-documentary (Blair With Project, etc) Ruggero Deodato made "Cannibal Holocaust" to not only shock, but to educate his audience.
This film follows the NYU anthropologist as he tries to find a group of students who went to the amazon to document cannibal tribes. All he finds is their unprocessed film reels, and the rest of the shocking footage is to follow.
Deodato was arrested for 10 days after the release of this film, as he had paid off the actors to leave the country to give the impression this film was a true snuff film.
Dolemite might be the godfather of blax cinema, but as the one sheet above states... Coffy is the "GODMOTHER of them all."
Dolemite and Coffy would be tied on my list of favorite blaxploitation, different in some aspects but the similar in many.
Pam Grier plays "Coffy" a nurse whose younger sister gets involved in the world of drugs and whose life is put to stake when she receives some contaminated heroin. Coffy, with vengeance on her mind, sets out on a full on vigilante mission to kill all the pushers, pimps, and low lives she comes across.
This is the 1972 classic exploitation film by the great, Wes Craven... NOT some piece of shit remake that wanted to cash in on the well known title and then change major events that happened in the original.
Two teenagers are headed to a concert and looking for some weed, when they get caught up with Krug (David Hess) and his fellow prison escapees. Krug & Co (actually one of the original titles the movie was going to have) take the girls and are going to cross over into Canada with them; however, their car experiences some trouble and breaks down right around where one of the girls, Mari, lives. It is here, deep in the woods, where Krug and his buddies psychologically, physically, and sexually torture Mari and her friend, Phyllis. Rape and humiliation, that eventually leads to the death of the two girls.
The criminals make their way back up to the road and find shelter at Maris families house (at first not knowing it was hers). Mari's parents have not heard from her since she left for the concert and are very concerned. They are also unaware this group of thugs are the ones that brutally tortured, raped, and then killed their daughter and her friend.
Upon finding out, later in the film, the parents begin to loose their mind and go through a whole array of ways of killing Krug and his sadistic friends.
This is an amazing film and had such a huge impact on low budget cinema and drive-in flicks of the 1970's.
The remake is a piece of shit. As stated prior, major events were changed. The violence is over the top and there is not the psychological humiliation, that Mari and Phyllis have to go through in the original, that seems almost just as depraved as the physical violence.
This is a decent 70's grinder, not a favorite by any means, but has all the ingredients to make a pretty good exploitation film: sex, nudity, violence, and sleeeeaze!
A pretty complicated plot for an exploitation film. The basic plot involves two girls, tired of being sexually and physically abused by their stepfather, so they take care of him quick and proper like.... a shotgun to the chest. Then they run off to find their uncle to have a place to live, grow up, and get the most out of life. It is then that all sorts of subplots emerge and start to revolve around what seems at first glance to be a simplistic grinder with a simplistic plot.
Not that this is a challenging movie to follow, or has some existential and/or metaphysical type subject matter that leaves the viewer inspired and amazed, but it possess more of a plot than most exploitation films.
One of Herschell Gordon Lewis's (HGL) last films in the 1970's. Montag the Magnificent is a wonderful magician who is in town to show the people his extreme talent. His show consists of the torture and murdering of a female volunteer. The only problem is when the same volunteer is found dead, somewhere else and hours after the show, in the same manner in which Montag was demonstrating on stage.
Goddamnit, I love this movie so fuckin much! I don't know what it is. I showed it to a friend of mine, whose interest in bizarre film is nearly identical to mine; however, he did not care for this film.
A couple's car breaks down and they stop at a place to get help. They are told of a motel in the area, but also a legend of cannibalism and sadism that surrounds it, which they decide to ignore and visit anyways.
Upon arrival they welcomes by a bizarre revered and are treated to dinner, and dinner that lasts so long they decide to stay the night, which is the set up for a perfect night of creepiness.
This film was shot in 1972 and was considered Canada's first horror movie for some time, but since then I think that has been proven to be false. It was shot with $12,000 and a vague premise in which most of the dialogue was improvised.
And the BEST NEWS YET??? This is getting a first time US DVD release on October 26th... I cannot wait!!!
This was actually the first cannibal film I saw, way back when, and it was the beginning to the end... I had fell in love and then continued my search for more perverse, gratuitous Italian cannibal films.
This is a great starter, in my opinion, for those not versed in the Italian cannibal film craze. It is not full blown graphic like CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST, but then again it is no way near as good a film either.
Truly one of my favorite exploitation films. This has been released on DVD courtesy of SOMETHING WEIRD VIDEO, and is the epitome of sleazy grindhouse cinema.
This movie deals with a white girl slavery ring. Mobster Ernie captures young school girls and hands them over to "Mama Lupo" who then tortures them in the dungeon and gets them addicted to heroin.
Could be considered somewhat of a "roughie." And somewhat similar to the "Olga" and "Flesh" trilogies, though INVITATION TO RUIN likes to show more and suggest less.
In my opinion, this is one of two of Franco's best films. Absolutely amazing! Lina Romay, high priest zombies, beautiful location shots, and so much more!
The movie does draw out in some places and many drawn out sex scenes, but this is a fantastic work from Jess Franco... sleaze master himself!
Jess Franco's sleazy and violent slasher film. A man with a badly disfigured face goes on a killing rampage at a girls language school. Filled with some great violence and gore, beautiful women, and and overall bizarre nature.
This is Franco's stab (no pun) at the American slasher film, and in my opinion he does a great job!
This film is based around wealthy playboy who has a large mansion in the countryside. He invites a fashion model he meets one weekend. On the way to the home he runs into a group of guys looking for a... "fun time." The model arrives to the house and all the fun begins!
Great, over looked 70's rape/revenge flick! More or less a "Last House on The Left" knockoff... but worth every second of viewing!
Unfortunetly a trailer was unable to be found for this film....
This is the best film, in my opinion, by the "godfather of gore," one of my favorite directors... Herschell Gordon Lewis AKA "HGL."
HGL made the first ever "gore" filmed titled, "Blood feast." One year later, he came out with "Two Thousand Maniacs." HGL's films are textbook drive-in/exploitation films. If you want to familiarize yourself more with exploitation films, HGL is the perfect place to start as he is one of the masters! These are low budget films that relied extremely heavily (maybe using to much of the funding) on fluffed up advertising and exploitative violence to the excited drive-in audience!
In this film, the residents of Pleasant Valley, Georgia love to lure in Yankees to their small Southern town to help them celebrate their centennial!! One by one the "guests of honor" are killed off in the most brutal of ways...
Featuring an awesome soundtrack, mainly performed by "The Pleasant Valley Boys," excluding the main/introduction song, "Rebel Yell (The South's Gonna Rise Again)," performed by Mr. Herschell Gordon Lewis himself!!!
Just your standard early 1960's nudist camp film. However, this one was directed by the one and only... the GREAT, Doris Wishman!!
Two scientists travel to the moon and to their surprise, instead of being a barren wasteland, the scientists find a lush world filled with telepathic nudists!
Directed by Bo Arne Vibenius only one year after his masterpiece, "Thriller: A Cruel Picture." While THRILLER is still my favorite film of his, BREAKING POINT isn't far off and its a damn fine film!
"Breaking Point" is a hybrid of exploitation/porno/roughie/and revenge. Vibenius creates a violent sexual nightmare for the viewer and he truly delivers!
An ABSOLUTE must see for anyone who is a fan of Vibenius's "Thriller".... anyone who loves exploitation films, roughie pornos, and just all around demented and depraved cinema!
HOLY FUCKIN' SHIT.... I found a trailer... amazing!!! I thought for sure there would not be one out there; however, i was wrong... ENJOY!!! And if you can find this rarity, enjoy watching it as a whole even more!!!
This movie is a goddamn masterpiece, a true piece of cinematic genius! This film is one of my top 10 favorite films of ALL TIME!!!
Zoe Lund plays "Thana" a deaf and mute woman who works for a fashion designer. One day, while walking home from work, she gets raped. She makes it home, only to see her house being robbed by someone... who then decides he will also rape her. This doesn't go over to well with Thana and these two men that raped her, just got her REALLY pissed at every man now.
This film has one of the greatest and most memorable ending scenes. MUST see for very living soul!! This is a violent and somewhat exploitative film; however, it is also technically fantastic... the editing, the score, acting, camera work, etc, etc, etc!
TOP NOTCH blaxploitaiton with the great Fred Williamson and D'Urville Martin.
This film was initially unaccepted by many because of the title, but like many, many, many films... all one has to do is simply watch the film to realize (well in this case) this film is FAR from being a racist film.
Williamson and Martin, two bounty hunters, make their way into a small Western town filled with white folk. They take over, Fred Williamson taking over and being the man in charge of the town, the sheriff, the "Boss Nigger." Extremely funny and simply one of my favorite blax films!
This movie.... what a shit-tastic film. Directed by Lucio Fulci AAAAAAND Bruno Mattei, what else could one ask for?!?!?! It is a very bad film, in so many ways, but guarantees 95 minutes of awesome entertainment!
With Fulci and Mattei, the viewer is given great violence, as is to be expected with a film these two worked on. I am not to sure how much each of them put into the film, or what their opinions are of this film, as I have not read much about it, but I do know one thing. If you love these directors, zombie films, Italian horror, gratuitous violence, and a huge mound of cheese... OR if you're like me and you dig all of that, then this film will not disappoint!
AMAZING film directed by Tobe Hopper, 2 years after he did "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre." A crazy redneck kills people who upset him or bother him at his hotel whenever he feels the need for them to.... DIE!! This film possess a very eerie backwoods feeling to it and is quite unique in my opinion! And I LOOOVE the alligator!
This has a GREAT cast.... Mel Ferrer, Neville Brand, a young Robert Englund, and many more.
Also Known As: "Death Trap" and "Horror Hotel." The DVD distributors, Dark Sky released a beautiful 2-disc special edition of this fabulous 1970's horror drive-in classic!
My favorite film by one of my top 5 favorite directors, Mr. Jean Rollin. This film was originally titled "Requiem pour un vampire," but it received a US release in the early 70's and was released, here in the US as, "Caged Virgins."
This is a BEAUTIFUL film! Like most of Rollin's material, it deals with vampires, but not really in a gory way, but a more surreal and erotic way.
The photography, French countryside location shots, eroticism, nudity, surreality, and some violence all make for a fabulous film!
This is readily available on DVD. However, if you have a DVD player that will play any region DVD, a distribution company in the Netherlands known as "Encore" released a beautiful 3 disc set for the film. This is one of 7 of Rollin's films that "Encore" released in a special 2 or 3 disc set, and they are worth every penny. Beautifully compiled bonus features, collectors booklets... the way a DVD should be made!
A sleaze filled Joe D'Amato film. This reminds me a lot of "Porno Holocaust" in the since that it mixes hardcore with zombies and runs WAAAAAAY to long (like Porno Holocaust) at a whopping 112minutes.
Very entertaining, but be prepared for very ugly sex, drawn out scenes, and just bizarre shit. I think this is definitely a stop above Porno Holocaust!
Thaaaaat's right, kiddos! This is a 30+ year old film, not some piece of trash someone made a year ago to profit off of Roger Corman's successful drive-in title.
With the fear of "Jaws" instilled in everyone it was time to kick off the "killer animal craze." From films like GRIZZLY, and ALLIGATOR, to my favorite... PIRANHA!!!
While this movie surely guarantees plenty of camp and cheese, it should also be noted that there is quite a level of cinematic greatest attached to this film. From its all-star B-film cast, to on point technical aspects, Piranha should not just be pushed aside as a cheesy drive in flick.
The more I think abotu this film, the more I enjoy it. From its creative use of special effects to its creepy and futuristic synth based score, this is a great film and by horror genius... John Carpenter.
Definitely for the sci-fi buff as opposed to horror, as there is little, of what most people would consider "horror," involved with this film.
Some of these scenes will surely look familiar if you have seen "A Cat in the Brain," as many scenes from this gory late 80s Fulci flick were cut to composite "CAT."
But do not be fooled. For any Fulci fan this surely will not disappoint. You get plenty of gore, cannibalism, a woman with facial hair, and some of the worst makeup and costume design for a homeless man. Everything intact for a great trashy concoction.
While this site will focus on sleazy films, it will not be limited to only those. B films and cheesy 70's and 80's horror flicks will also be included. The name "sleaze cinema" just reflects the aspect all of us exploiteers love about trash cinema!!