So from the poster you are going to see a "Last house on the left" ripoff. But this is an AMAZING film!!
Roger Watkins made this film on 16mm with $2,000. $1,200 went to buy him amphetamines and $800 to the actual film production.
It is about a man who gets out of prison and wants to get back at society and starts making snuff films.
This is, in my humble opinion, the epitome of exploitation cinema. From the advertising, subject content, back story, etc.
When discussing this with a friend we can concluded that this is truely one of the most evil and psychedelic films ever made. You can tell Watkins was really pissed at the world when he made this film and really wanted to do something awful and so he made this film.
This is the top recommended film on this blog. It will be hard to locate (not via download) but it is out of print, but i cannot suggest enough that you watch it!!
By the way- The A/V sync is off on this film and just adds to the wierdness as it is not a foreign dubbed film or what have you.
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